But you won’t silence me. From beyond I will reach out, forever. This NEVER goes away.
Every time I talk about the oppression I experience, my posts are suppressed. When people suppress me, their voices are amplified. But America and the world are confused about what systemic oppressions is and the real “danger” is me for drawing attention to it? During the apocalypse? I question the mental stability of anyone who believes such things.
In America, it’s always okay to make a Black woman suffer, and of course to hunt her children. There is never any accountability for the human rights violations committed against us. Those who commit the offenses become hero’s because America fosters abuse intentionally. All that causes harm are social constructs. This can be dismantled. But those who bully terrify the weak and what we have as a result is fight, flight, freeze, fawn but never solutions to end the problem. Those who have the solutions, and are equipped to apply them, are further suppressed. The world gives power to the predators, and further disempowers their targets. But we’re supposed to accept this. All I have done is communicate. What if I decide to actually fight? I’m not even angry yet, not really, none of us are. Why do we hesitate? We get slaughtered when we are calm, imagine the slaughter that comes when we are angry. We care about our families, despite what racists tropes are thrown around about it. The Black community has already proven everything that needs to be addressed, that’s why “truth” remains hidden. Why cling to liars and the lies they tell? Why sacrifice those of use who see the truth, move through it to help humanity strive for better, and record the truth in our artistic and scientific endeavors? That is how you treat a community you want to wipe from existence, and as we record what is happening the world party’s at our mass suffering and death. But we’re not supposed to fight it? And that’s not considered sick???
“One white boy is worth five minorities,” that’s what I grew up hearing in school. We are forced by law to go there every day, and we get abused. I was molested and trafficked for decades in and out of one of the most affluent public school systems in history. It’s 2021 and still not a single person has been held accountable but the shame and burden remain my own. All of the consequences are my own because they had the power. money, and affluence to ensure it. But I’m the sick one? What do you think happens to people who never find justice? The abuse continues unimpeded. But I am the sick one?
The worst part is watching white women receive justice for being abused by the same people. They are seen as “innocent” and “blameless” yet I am not even seen. All of the evidence I provide is used to help elevate the careers of white people, no one ever even acknowledges where they get the evidence from. People are being given trillions in not only tax scams, but reward money. I can’t even get COVID relief or SNAP. Yet I AM THE PROBLEM? WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS WILLING TO SUPPORT SUCH SICKNESS?
All anyone has to do to is say “it’s fake” and the torture continues. There is never accountability, only propaganda. The world is watching this happen in real time, live streamed, and even global leaders believe what is happening is fake. How is this not sounding extreme alarm bells to the very body of leadership that exists to watch for these conditions and address them? BECAUSE EVEN THE U.N. PRIORITZES WHITE SKIN AND MALE GENETALIA ABOVE ALL ELSE! UN Human Rights
But systemic oppression is still called fake. United Nations
But in America there is equality? Pandora is wondering where the equality is hiding, apparently it was in those offshore accounts and hidden in global trafficking rings.
There is no legislative body involved in answering the call of suffering people who misunderstands what is happening to Black Americans. Everyone in the world knows what is happening to Black America. We are being systematically eradicated. We are trying to document our suffering so that future generations do no repeat the same mistakes. Our voices are intentionally, systematically drowned out in favor of all the very things that brought the world to this destructive place. The world doesn’t want truth, it want’s to lust for debauchery the way they have been trained to do for decades. This is no way has ever been a superior civilization, that is why it has failed. Leadership will not even help people survive the collapse, or tell the truth of what is happening. Global leadership is allowing anyone not among them, to die out. This by far is the most depravity I have ever seen, and I was raised being molested by elite men in torture sites. That should tell you a lot!
No one is confused about what is happening, the evidence is more than ample. To allow an ethnic minority that exists no where else on the planet, who’s culture has survived the harshest attacks and hundreds of years of geocide simply because the color of our skin and our battle cry is “unpopular” is sick and sad. To follow a people that would deploy such sick measures makes you, also sick. What kind of world will you create in the future? The one you just destroyed died from sickness. You are sick, you surround yourself with sick people, your thinking is sick, and you deploy sick measures. Where are you running to after you destroy this planet? To a pure one that will then become sick from your sickness because you won’t heal?
It’s not just America’s leaders that let us down, it’s the entire planet’s leadership. Allowing Black and marginalized populations to be slaughtered when there is ample resources to save everyone, everywhere, during an apocalypse is as deviant as any entity to go. Crimes against humanity don’t even get a bat of an eyelash when the humans are Black though. Leaders don’t believe we are human to begin with.
The majority of people on this planet do no agree. Are you going to allow the entire 99% to be slaughtered as you have done Black American decedents of slaves for being the victims of the predators you call your leaders? What do you think happens after all the Black Americans are slaughtered? Do you think the problems disappear? That’s like committing to the serial killer because he kills the people you hate. In the end, after he has killed everyone you hate, who will he go after next? The White House United Nations Foundation Amnesty International USA
No one is confused any longer, people are just traumatized and apathetic. The world is literally intentionally being weaponized against the most vulnerable, and instead of the world’s leaders doing their job they prevent the people who can and will from doing it, as millions die globally. Human Rights Watch This was all planned decades ago, and the world has watched while the very same men voting down every measure that protects life have voted to protect abusers, mass murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, and liars. But were all supposed to be okay with it as we suffer and die without help. As long as the deviants are left, and they have white skin and are on the “right” then the world is safe, correct? But those are all the same people who created the death, how will they bring safety?
I’m not the only person in the world tired of the bullshyt of all the grifters calling themselves leaders. It’s only a matter of time. It doesn’t matter if I am here to see it, it still happens.
I am a grown woman. Whole and complete. I don’t need permission to live or to express myself. I won’t be bullied and there are more out there who know their rights and refuse to be forced into complying with a fascist state that strips me of my humanity at will and punishes me for having the nerve to expect to be treated like a human.
Instead of hearing about what has happened to me and viewing the world differently, the people trained to help me view me as pitiful, mentally ill, undereducated, and in need of a “motherly figure”. People who have the capacity to see through the propaganda are almost non-existent.
There actually isn’t anything about me that says any of what people think I am, so their next assumption is that I am crazy. All of this not realizing that they aren't’ seeing me at all, only their own projections. Rare is the conversation where there is actually active listening going on, even with the experts! They would have to have some knowledge of me first, to be able to actively listen to what I am saying, in order to be able to understand what I am experiencing. THAT NEVER HAPPENS, ANYWHERE, EVER! The blame for their misunderstanding and miscommunication is passed to me.
Most people can’t see past projections, even when they try. I am not young. I am not a child. I am not an invalid. I am not incapable of critical thinking. I am not delusional. I am not undereducated. I am poor. Poverty is a social construct, and believing that any number of tropes are the cause of my living conditions is about as ignorant as someone paid to help me can be. I don’t have the energy to navigate other people’s delusions anymore. I’m trying to survive an apocalypse fully disabled, with my children and no support, it’s literally my worst nightmare. There are NEVER any solutions, only accusations that I must have done it to myself somehow.
You won’t find the truth in a church where everyone looks like you, including the preacher who tells you that people who look like me are “poor, lonely, little lost sheep” and God has anointed you to “save” me. As long as all you have to do is reframe the truth, you only ever create more and more trauma, chaos, delusion, and suffering. Being afraid to face yourself, your lack of courage and intellect, and blaming those who not only know the truth but act on it, shouldn’t become other people’s cause of death or suffering. But that is America AND the entire western world. I’m moving on to a higher order. There is always a higher order, even when it moves slowly.
If America, and the world, don’t learn to tell the truth and deal with the racist white elephant in the room NOTHING changes, anywhere. White supremacy is now and has ALWAYS been a lie. It is an unsustainable social construct that has brought the world to the brink of total collapse. Anyone following such notions in the final seconds of the world’s collective time clock is either willfully blind, or not at all. An entire ethnic minority that has touched human consciousness on such a profound level that we every corner of the globe knows who we are, where we come from, and has adopted our culture into aspects of their own. Black Americans are beloved. Racist fascists are the only ones with problems, an these are also the same people who have a problem with the word “no”. Why is anyone still pretending?
Human rights are not a negotiation, not even where Black life is concerned, that never should have been an option let alone a question. A true leader doesn’t help eradicate the people that placed them in their seat of power then attack them for telling the truth about it. President Joe Biden UN Women
The entire global leadership community is watching Black American descendants of slaves get ethnically cleansed at home on U.S. soil and nothing is being done about it! Amnesty International WE MATTER! But saying this gets us killed. None of this is a mistake. The same men who molested me my entire life are the same men who either established to companies who created the medicine used to treat COVID, or they sat on the boards. But I’m supposed to trust it all as I am being denied aid, support, medical care, have had attempts made on my life, my money, important documents, income, and even education credentials withheld, even my children have been attacked. U.S. Department of State But I’m the danger?
America is a colossal disappointment. RIP to my real father. I grew up watching America do all the same things to him, and now my son. But I’m not allowed to talk about that. Human Rights Watch