Your Likes And Dislikes Are Not My Problem
Whole Picture Poetry
All I had to do was say
What they wanted me to say:
“Pedophilia is natural
They are born that way
It’s human nature
They can’t live any other way”
Had I done that detestable thing
I would have had money too
Protection, quid pro quo, even my education credentials
All the favors that are always given
I maintained my integrity
Actually protecting children
I told the truth
So I continue to be tortured and enslaved
Night after night
Day after day
What does that say for all those who look the other way?
When you protect the wealthy elite
You protect their ability to prey uninhibited by any authority
No one has reigned them in
Few in authority even have a desire to
But I’m the one crazy
For calling attention to it? UN Women
I am a human being
I have a conscience
I have empathy
I have the ability to think
In my own right with my own mind
I don’t need a deviant to tell me what to believe
I can think
Without someone telling who and what I should be
I am capable of unique, independent thought
This makes the wealthy very afraid
The hunt for those escaping dogma
Has gone on so long
It’s hard to know when it began
It’s been going on centuries now
Black America just happens to be one target
Why does everyone pretend this is a problem
That cannot be addressed
What a colossal copout
That’s what my handler used to tell me
When I told him my human rights matter
“What does that have to do with me”
He would say
“I matter, that’s why I’m wealthy”
He would say
True to form I would retort with
“If you’re so great why do you have a child trapped in a basement
Molesting me daily because you can’t find gratification elsewhere”
That always got his attention
The superiority myth fails very quickly
When you put it to the light of day
Truth has a way of burning away the fake of the disgusting thing
They can slander me all they want
They always have
I’ve been tortured all my days
They can keep up the whole “she’s a whore” bit
I’ve heard it since my earliest memories
Just think about that!
But what they can’t do is face the truth
It doesn’t exist anywhere near them
Fortunately for me
They couldn’t erase it from me
That same man who molested, handled, controlled me decade after decade
Is responsible for that
“I’m sorry, I was wrong
Hopefully doing the correct thing in the end
Will fix the karma from all that”
He was wrong
As always
He never did enough so he got what was coming to him
The solutions exist
They always have
Saying there is no problem
Makes you look like the psychopath we all know you have always been
To totally put an end to it
Avoiding all the weaponized slaughter that we all are experiencing
All it would take is for America to deploy the plan
Created to address all of it
America is busy getting “back to normal”
Normalizing ethnic cleansing
Abuse of authority
The weaponizing of pandemics
Watching the seconds on Earth’s timeclock tick away
As though it’s nothing
But we’re supposed to be silent as we watch it all burn away
But we’re human beings
Humans don’t do such things!
Only a non sentient
Unevolved beast
Would intentionally destroy it’s own habitat
Though they have EVERYTHING to make whatever they want of it
Instead of eutopia
They choose dystopia
Not the majority
Only the elite
Then they deploy technology
To hide the truth of all their wrongdoing
“We’ll coral them”
My handlers said
“Now we know where they are hiding”
Great plan
But good luck getting anyone to act
They embrace the matrix!
Well many of us want out of it!
Humans fight to protect their young
Beasts tear them apart like an enemy
Humans love, nurture, support
Their loved ones
The future
The planet
Humans don’t fake compassion
By redirecting from the most marginalized populations
To enable the predators
Scapegoating the targeted victims as “culpable”
“It takes two” is one of their most used myths
But we’re supposed to accept it
I would rather remain true to the courage of my convictions
If it’s a lie
I will say so
If it’s disgusting
I will say so
If it’s evil
I will say so
IDGAF who dislikes it!
I don’t like being enslaved!
Do you care?
Apparently not!
I can’t even get COVID relief or medical care!