Your Pro-Abuse Arguments Are Ridiculous
You constantly complain about how much the government spends taking care of me, sort of. But you refuse to pay me what you owe me on my contract, unredact my education, allow me freedom of movement or speech, and you control EVERYTHING via force, threats, coercion, extreme violence, rape, and torture. Not only are you doing this now, during a pandemic, an insurrection, and a depression, but you’ve done it all my life. You expect me to overcome the extensive barriers you continue to throw at me while scapegoating me for the circumstances. You keep telling me to hush, get over it, accept it, stay out of it, keep quiet, and obey. You withhold all resources that would allow me to get stable and become independent all the while slandering, stigmatizing, and scapegoating. When I do manage to “manifest” stability for myself you come right in and knock it all down violently while pretending it’s fake, again blaming me for what YOU do and leaving me to deal with every consequence alone as you allow every perpetrator to walk free every time. But I’m expected to have no emotion, to be silent, unseen, and obedient. I’m not your dog!
That’s insane!
No one expected me to survive, no one expected me to remember, no one expected me to be this strong, this much of a fighter, this educated, this skilled, or to have THIS much classified intel. You underestimated me and are now suffering the consequences for YOUR choices, but I’m the one who is wrong for calling it out? Again, I ask, which one of us is “crazy” as you repeatedly continue to label me? I’ll give you a hint, it’s the people who keep attacking the disabled woman who kept her oath to democracy, even as you tortured me, while you joined an insurgency and make every attempt to bring America and marginalized people down. It’s the people who look at differences and find them threatening, then attack people because of it. It’s the people who look at humans and devalue them, all the while claiming to be the victims but also claiming superiority. It’s the people who steal from the vulnerable and give to the abundant in order to maintain a toxic system of oppression that harms and enslaves marginalized people. It’s you, the sick one is you, the delusional one is you. There, I said it! Now I will tell you the same thing you tell me, “get over it”.
Now what? More denial, more lies, more cover-ups, more hacking, more stalking, more attacks? Yup, that is exactly what sick people do.