You’re Moving Too Fast!
You’re moving too fast
They say
Tell me I’m sick
because I won't change
How long is an abuse victim
supposed to wait
for the abuse to stop
or to be able to advocate
for change
After all
It’s been decades
The entire time
I’ve been in chains
No one cared
No one cares
“Such a shame”
So many say
But what is truly shameful
Being the target of abuse
or abusing
The answer is obvious
It’s choosing to intentionally
create pain
Then choosing to
ignore your abuse
choosing to shame
so that you can escape
What is shameful
is pretending
you have the right to judge
and deem another
unworthy of life
and behaving
in animalistic ways
For every action
there is
equal and opposite reaction
but physics is not just a science
it’s literally the roadmap
to all that is
When you choose to abuse
the reaction is
You create suffering
where happiness
once lived
We all have to be responsible
our choices
our thoughts
our actions
our experiences
The messes we create
always reverberate
to ignore this
is to behave like a small child
but every human
can rise above this
Choosing to abuse
then ignoring the consequences
leaving behind your target
to be blamed
There is nothing positive in that
nor is it for those
who claim
That those who abuse
are not to blame
and participate
in the victim blame game
People hate me
because I tell the truth
Not because
in darkness
I remain
I am light
I live every moment clinging to it
like oxygen
as the darkness engulfs
I shine on its domain
Of course
it’s uncomfortable
but I didn’t make it that way
I am light
Because that is what I choose
when I fall into darkness
I pull myself out
no wanting to be a fool
I attempt to repair the harm
Where there is none
I move forward
and this makes people afraid
I face everything
even on my own
I am demonstrating
that I make my own way
even in extreme abuse
Even in the deepest of darkest days
If you don’t have the courage
or strength
to do what I do
Then the shame is in you
and you choose
to attach it to my name
That doesn’t make me
what you say you see
in me
It makes you
in need of