“You’re Their Partner”
He took everything from me, and gave it to a psychopath, told the world I was guilty of her crimes, buries me in her filth, and wouldn’t let me out. Tortured me every day of my life, tried to kill me every time I tried to talk about it. Reported me as a terrorist every time I reported to law enforcement, tortured me with classified weapons and tech denying me health care. When I attempted to access healthcare he claimed I was a narcissist seeking attention. He took my education credentials, money, properties, intellectual properties, bribed people, lied to people, ran ops on me, took everything my entire life. Slaved me from the crib because he could and intends to do so to the grave, abusing my children and blaming me the whole way. What would you do?
This is allowed to happen because I am Black American with no human rights protections. United Nations Human Rights Watch United Nations UN Women USA Los Angeles
I live in extreme poverty, disabled, on social security, on public assistance, slowly dying, in excruciating pain while they continue to steal from me