Zanja aka Cissy Is Not My Sister She’s Lolita’s (Of Lolita Express) Sister
She and Lolita have ALWAYS hated each other
So of course they hate me
They are psychopaths
Rumsfeld made sure that I watched them become that during my developmental years as he raped, tortured, trafficked, and experimented on me while my (hacked) so-called relatives on all sides laughed along with DNC Mobilization Team GOP Convention United Nations
The same torture methods being used against me in plain sight by leadership daily has been done on my family for generations UNESCO UNICEF
“You make the perfect victim, your people have been enslaved for centuries” Rumsfeld, 1980, Reston VA, classified base, middle of the school day
I was naked, crying, bleeding, beaten, tortured, experimented on, electrocuted, (hacked), nerve weapons, gasses used on me, drugged, hypnosis, classified tech used on me, raped, and begging for them to stop (hacked)
As they tell me I have no soul, God abandoned me, my race is inferior, my spiritual beliefs are fake, that I was born to be a slave, my genes are inferior, that I’m weak, too emotional, mentally unstable, psychotic, a liar, crazy, and other psychological abuse (hacked)
I was five
They experimented on me with every weapon and form of tech Rumsfeld EVER created U.S. Department of State New York State Attorney General UNODC Russian Embassy, USA He ran bioweapons for most of his career (with Israel), Ukraine was his hub, so are locations in Australia, Africa, Central and South America, Asia, The North Pole, and The South Pacific Human Rights Watch Amnesty International INTERPOL SWIFT RESPONSE CNN The Washington Times Washington Post The Guardian The Atlantic The White House
Let’s not forget all the work Rumsfeld did with DARPA and NASA, so he has assets in space. NASA Solar System
It doesn’t matter that he’s “dead”, his machine grinds on unaffected, it’s called Western Leadership
Every administration since Nixon is complicit
When you hear these people mock the times when I was malleable, that is what they are referring to
The times when I was a little girl being experimented on by Rumsfeld and his cronies from nazi Germany, and Israel with THE FULL PERMISSION OF CONGRESS AND SCOTUS through Black Budget Oversight
But I’m the “threat”???? The Pan-African Alliance 🌍 Princeton African American Studies The African Leadership University The Africa Report Africa Check Online Africa African American Studies Faculty in Higher Ed An Injustice! Voices
Lolita’s mother was raised by her grandmother because her mother was raped by a man who passed for white and had privilege (her grandmother handled by a judge)
He was also a preacher under The Southern Baptist Convention, no coincidence that many women in my family have been trafficked, molested, or raped by members of this convention including myself
I myself have also been molested by members of The Vatican Catholic Democrats So it’s a crime for them to slander me the Anti-Christ just to hide their predation MeToo Many Voices
Lolita’s mother’s father was also handled, his relatives being descendants of EVERY CHIEF OF ALL FIVE RECOGNIZED (hacked) TRIBES
GHW’s assets where his handlers as well as Lolita’s mother
GH was Lolita’s handler after Rumsfeld sold her
We refer to ourselves as Aboriginal or by tribe names
We haven’t gone anywhere despite the continued ethnic cleansing and identity assumptions by people like Eddie Vedder and his hookers Rolling Stone He’s been making money stealing my native heritage since I was eight years old The Polyamory #MeToo Survivors
But I’m the “threat”?
Puns intended